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Course List - Inclusive Intervention in Early Childhood Care

Session 1


351-501-TV - Observation and analysis of special needs most frequent in daycare

Course Description:

Using techniques and related attitudes, students will be able to identify and describe the information behavior of a child and their social interactions so as to be able to create a preliminary behavioral profile of the child and to detect a problem situation.

Observation skills and competencies, centered on the needs of the person in difficulty, constitute the basic dimension of a specialized educator: knowing how to observe, communicate and write down observations are all prerequisites for effective interventions.

These observations are then put into relation with adaptation problems and the recognition of indicators of normal development. The privileged observation field, within the framework of this course, will relate in particular to all the particular needs most frequently encountered in childcare settings.

351-502-TV - Observation and screening of language difficulties

Course Description:

Complementary to the course 351-501-TV, Observation and Analysis of Special Needs, this course will allow students to recognize the indicators of normal language development and observed research, be able to prepare and perform observation activities and recognize signs of worsening language difficulties. Students will also be able to apply the information provided by a speech therapist in order to detect a problem situation and to recognize the contextual elements linked to the manifestation as well as the extent of the difficulties observed by relating them to the results of the speech-language pathologist’s assessment.

351-503-TV - Concepts and issues of adaptation

Course Description:

At the end of this course, students will have acquired an overview of the concepts of adaptation and maladjustment related to the clientele with which they will be called upon to work to meet the specific needs of children in daycare. Students will be able to create a behavioral profile of the child, to associate phenomena of inequalities and social differentiation with problems of adaptation, the dynamics of adaptation, analyze the problems of adaptation most often encountered in children, with their characteristics, detect the signs and behaviors of adaptation and look for influencing factors related to the understanding of problems.

Students will also be able to adequately use the resources and services in the community, and in the child’s living environment, to assess the support capacity of the child’s living situation.

351-504-TV - Techniques and approaches for interventions

Course Description:

This course will allow students to become familiar with the intervention techniques and approaches most often used. At the end of this course, students will be able to define, differentiate use these intervention techniques and approaches in realistic scenarios. Students will also be able to situate the intervention approaches with regard to the adaptation issues studied and to associate intervention objectives and techniques with intervention approaches. Placed in a facilitating situation and in a helping relationship, students will be able to demonstrate skills and behaviors adapted to the exercise of the profession of a specialized educator working with children.

Students will also assess their own strengths and weaknesses when communicating with customers and/or within a work team.

Session 2


351-601-TV - Clinical tools and intervention plans

Course Description:

As an extension of courses 351-503-TV, Concepts and Issues of Adaptation, and 351-504-TV, Techniques and Approaches for Interventions, students will be able to plan development activities and clinical tools adapted to the needs of children with special needs. This course requires that students show creativity and initiative in the development of activities and in the creation of clinical tools adapted to the various situations and problems encountered. At the end of this course, students will also be able to combine approaches, objectives, and intervention techniques to adaptation issues according to the performance criteria of the elements of the 019W competency (combine approaches, objectives, and intervention techniques to adaptation issues). Finally, students will be better equipped to plan and carry out interventions in the field of specialized education when working in childcare.

351-602-TV - Intervention I: special needs in a daycare setting

Course Description:

This course teaches students how to intervene, appropriately, in order to meet the needs that children in childcare may require. Students will thus be able to detect problem situations, plan interventions (while respecting the parameters of the intervention plan), carry out activities that promote learning according to the types of difficulties encountered, and evaluate the effectiveness of the means that were implemented. The specific learning difficulties or disorders that may be analyzed, in particular, are dyslexia, hyperactivity, attention deficit, dysphasia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, dysorthography, etc.

351-603-TV - Intervention II: children with language difficulties

Course Description:

As an extension of the courses 351-502-TV, Observation and screening for language difficulties, 351-503-TV, Concepts and issues of adaptation, and 351-504-TV, Techniques and Approaches for Interventions, this course will focus on adapting materials for children with various language difficulties, or on the use of existing material. At the end of this course, students will be able to write an intervention plan and carry out activities promoting the stimulation of language with children who are demonstrating a language difficulty, in accordance with a speech therapy intervention plan and in consultation with the family and other professionals.

351-604-TV - Integrated intervention project

Course Description:

This 90-hour course takes place throughout the 2nd session at a rate of 4 hours per week and ends with an intensive 30-hour week on the 16th week of the session.

From an in-depth analysis of a problem affecting the specific needs of children in daycare, at the emotional, social, cognitive, psychomotor, linguistic, or other levels, students will first have to demonstrate their ability to identify the interests, strengths, and needs of a child with special needs and situate them in relation to his overall development. Students must then design an integrated intervention project that will meet the following criteria: appropriate consultation of resource persons, formulation of intervention objectives according to the possibilities and constraints of the environment, clear description of the implementation of the project, justification of the integrated nature of the project, clear agreement on the expected collaboration while respecting the limits and fields of professional intervention.

The activities used by students to carry out their integrative project must demonstrate their ability to promote prevention and the maintenance of the child in their living environment. In particular, the project will allow students to demonstrate their empathetic attitudes and behaviors, flexibility and openness, relevance of the activities carried out, as well as the originality and timeliness of the intervention strategies and techniques recommended, in particular by the judicious use of facilitation and helping relationship techniques.

Updated: March 11, 2022

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