Complete a request for admission
At TAV College, admission applications are not processed through SRAM (Service régional d’admission du Montréal métropolitain). However, applications for admission must be submitted to the College in a timely fashion, that is, normally two months before the start date of the fall semester (which is normally the last week of August).
More information
Important to note when applying
Things to remember if you want to be admitted to TAV College:
- Short AEC programs allow for limited enrolment. Therefore, places are limited, you are expected to submit all admission documents on time.
- If your student file is incomplete, the College will not be able to confirm your admission and if documents are missing, this will jeopardize the processing time of your file.
- You will receive an official letter from the College confirming your admission status or to officially request that you submit other supporting documents.
- An incomplete file will not be evaluated.
- All documents must be sent directly to the admissions office.
Contact admissions
Mailing address:
TAV College Admissions Office
6333 Decarie Boulevard
Montreal Quebec
H3W 3E1
514-731-2296 ext.0
Other important notes
- The student’s course load is pre-determined by the College. This means that personalized semester course selections are limited.
- Post-secondary results will be taken into consideration at the time your file is evaluated for the purpose of admission.
Apply online
Updated: April 22, 2022