109-101-MQ Physical Activity and Health
Course Description:
The objective of this course is to analyze one’s physical activity from the perspective of trends in health relating to lifestyle choices.
Competencies to be developed include:
- Establishing the relationship between one’s lifestyle habits and their health
- Being physically active in a manner that promotes good health
- Recognizing one’s needs, abilities, and motivational factors with respect to regular and sufficient physical activity
- To propose physical activities and nutritional guidance that promote a healthy lifestyle
603-101-MQ Introduction to College English
Course Description:
The objective of this course is to analyze and produce various forms of discourse.
Competencies to be developed are:
- To identify the characteristics and functions of the components of literary texts
- To determine the organizations of facts and arguments of a given literary text
- To prepare ideas and strategies for a projected discourse
- To explicate a discourse
- To edit the discourse
All competencies lead to the production of an approximately 750-word essay.
601-961-TV Textes narratifs
Course Description:
La compétence à acquérir dans ce cours est d’expliquer des œuvres narratives d’expression française. Les étudiants de ce cours sont intégrés dans le cours de français, langue d’enseignement et littérature (Écriture et littérature, 601-101-MQ). Le cours vise à initier l’élève à la lecture et à l’analyse d’œuvres marquantes de la littérature française écrites avant 1850. Ce cours est préalable au 601-962-TV. Les œuvres choisies appartiennent à deux époques distinctes et à deux genres littéraires différents. Les œuvres y sont analysées en fonction du courant littéraire et de l’époque dans lesquels elles s’inscrivent pour mieux mettre en évidence les sens actuels. L’étudiant sera progressivement amené à rédiger une analyse littéraire structurée de 700 mots (évaluation finale).
322-ST1-TV Internship : Introduction to the Profession
Course description:
This workplace-training course is the first of three fieldwork placement courses in the program. The stage-type course gives students the opportunity to gain a more thorough understanding of the reality of the profession and to situate themselves with regard to the requirements of the job by immersing themselves in a work setting. Students will come to recognize the different components of educational practice in the context of a real work environment. In addition, they will be initiated progressively into educational practice as a whole by executing simple tasks.
The stage will give students the opportunity to implement the skills and knowledge they will have gained simultaneously in their other courses, such as Foundations of Educational Practice, Understanding Educational Practice from 0-12 years, and Health Security and Nutrition for Children. It also provides students with the ideal environment for observation, experimentation, and learning.
322-CHL-TV Children and Healthy Lifestyles
Course description:
This course is offered in tandem with “Prevention and Intervention in Risky Situations” in order to establish significant links between the contents of both courses.
This course contributes to the personal and professional development of the student by helping them build their identity as an educator in training. The course examines the idea of the educator as a model for promoting healthy lifestyle and nutrition habits. Students are trained to develop an environmental conscience and raise self-awareness of intercultural dimensions, especially in relation to the diversity of the Montreal population.
322-PRF-TV Introduction to the Profession
Course description:
This course gives students the opportunity to explore and understand the profession of an Early Childhood Educator as well as gain a full understanding of the early childhood care services offered in the province of Quebec.
The course also offers students the opportunity to understand the prospects of an Early Childhood Education program graduate, what the objectives of the program are, and how the program will prepare students to be qualified educators.
322-PRV-TV Prevention and Intervention in Risky Situations
Course description:
This course is offered at the beginning of the program and contributes to the personal and professional development of the students by training them to become aware of their responsibilities toward the health and safety of children in all daycare environments: child care centers, home childcare services, and schools.
This course allows students to develop attitudes and skills to recognize the situations that are risky in a childcare service, for the children as well as themselves. The course joins the first internship in a childcare setting in giving the students the opportunity to experiment and observe with new knowledge.
The course works in tandem with “Health and Nutrition in Early Childhood Settings” as prevention measures, in terms of safety, must be applied at all times in a childcare setting.
This course will also certify students in first-aid. The first-aid component is taught before the beginning of the first internship to ensure that students are prepared. The competencies acquired in these courses will be recalled frequently in each internship that students are immersed in as educators are responsible for maintaining a secure environment for the children in their care.
350-PS1-TV Child Psychology : 0 - 6 Years
Course description:
In this course, students are exposed to the basic concepts that serve as explanatory models for the overall development and behaviors of a child and expose students to various perspectives for psychological examination.
Students will learn to identify a child’s needs and recognize these needs as part of an intervention plan in the workplace and will adopt appropriate attitudes in response to them. In doing so, the course also acts as a tool for self-regulation and critical thought.
This initial course in psychology pinpoints the needs of a child while taking into consideration their overall development thus allowing the student to have a frame of reference to respond appropriately in various situations of the profession and of everyday life.
The course aims to develop skills to know (knowledge), to know how (action), and to learn to be (attitude).
Course Description:
The objective of this course is to apply a critical approach to literary genres.
Competencies to be developed are:
- To distinguish genres of literary texts
- To recognize the use of literary conventions within a specific genre
- To situate work within its historical and literary period
- To explicate a discourse and representative of a literary genre
- To edit the discourse
All competencies lead to the effective presentation of an approximately 1000 word integrated response to a text.
601-962-TV Poésie et théâtre
Course Description:
La compétence à acquérir dans ce cours est d’expliquer des œuvres narratives d’expression française. Les étudiants de ce cours sont intégrés dans le cours de français, langue d’enseignement et littérature (Littérature et imaginaire, 601-102-MQ). Le deuxième cours de la séquence vise à amener l’élève, par l’intermédiaire de la notion de représentation du monde, à expliquer les relations qui existent entre une œuvre appartenant à un courant littéraire déterminé et son contexte sociohistorique. On y étudie des œuvres marquantes de la littérature française écrites de 1850 à aujourd’hui (ou presque). On y lit au moins deux œuvres marquantes de la littérature française appartenant à deux genres différents et à des courants littéraires situés dans cette période (symbolisme, réalisme, surréalisme, absurde, existentialisme). Tout comme pour le premier cours, selon le choix des professeurs, des œuvres supplémentaires peuvent être choisies dans un corpus élargi. L’étudiant sera progressivement amené à rédiger une dissertation explicative structurée de 800 mots (évaluation finale).
322-HSD-TV Health and Safety in the Daycare Setting
Course description:
Course Description:
The objective of this course is to apply a logical and analytical process of thinking to how knowledge is organized and used.
Competencies to be developed are:
- To recognize the basic elements of a field of knowledge
- To define the modes of organizations and utilization of a field of knowledge
- To situate a field of knowledge within its historical context
- To organize the main components into coherent patterns
- To produce a synthesis of the main components
322-MTR-TV Psychomotricity
Course description:
This course provides foundational knowledge about the physical and motor development of a child.
Students will study the evolution and interaction between motivity and perception in the development of body movement as well as the influence of movement on the behavior of a child in relation to their environment and that of their peers. Students will learn how to let a child gain and use their body autonomously, in a manner that promotes overall development.
The course is based on knowledge of the context and fundamentals of educational practices as well as concepts related to the development and health of a child. It is a significant foundational course that will facilitate the learning objectives of other courses pertaining to child development.
322-CLD-TV Children's Literature and Dramatic Expression
Course description:
This course teaches students how to incorporate children’s literature into their educational practices. Students learn how to work with and integrate different mediums of children’s literature: drama, film, and multimedia tools. In addition, students will learn how to promote the development of dramatic expression with groups of children.
322-DVN-TV Daycare Interventions
Course description:
322-LAN-TV Language Stimulation in Children
Course description:
This course exposes students to the realities of the linguistic developments of a child in the context of educational activities. Through the structuring of activities, structuring of venues, and interactions with children, students learn how to promote the development of language as well as techniques for detecting language difficulties that some children may experience.
The educational activity courses and the vocational training represent places of integration and transfer of learning of this course to various age groups.
Throughout the course, students will be asked to use creativity for the planning and conducting of activities, just like in the other courses of the categories field of activity and dimensions of development and educational activity.
350-PS2-TV Psychology : From Childhood to Maturity
Course description:
In this course, students continue the study of the overall development of children aged 5 to adolescence. Students address issues of adulthood in relation to the development of the child, and, in doing so, the student develops critical self-regulation skills.
This second psychology course relates to the analysis of the needs of the child with regard to its overall development. The course allows students to have a frame of reference for professional interventions through the presentation of theoretical data as well as by continuously putting into question human functionality in order to better understand individuals, their behaviors, and their impact on a child.
Course Description:
The objective of this course is to improve one’s effectiveness when practicing physical activity.
Competencies to be developed include:
- Planning an approach to improve one’s effectiveness when practicing a physical activity
- Using a planned approach to improve one’s physical health
Course Description:
The general objective of this course is to enable the student to apply a critical approach to a literary theme. The student will study various examples in English literature in order to understand how well-known authors unify their works around themes.
Further, the student will be able to read various selections of unfamiliar literature, either fiction or non-fiction, and discuss them intelligibly in writing through the understanding of their themes.
By the end of this course, the student will apply their understanding of the theme by writing an analysis of a literary text (an approximately 1000 word paper.)
601-963-TV Littérature comparée
Course Description:
La compétence à acquérir dans ce cours est de comparer des œuvres d’expression française de genres variés. Les étudiants de ce cours sont intégrés dans le cours de français, langue d’enseignement et littérature (Littérature québécoise, 601-103-MQ). L’élève est amené à apprécier des œuvres marquantes de la littérature québécoise écrites avant les vingt dernières années. L’étudiant sera progressivement amené à rédiger une dissertation critique structurée de 900 mots (évaluation finale). Après ce cours, l’étudiant devra se soumettre à l’Épreuve uniforme de français (EUF) du collégial.
322-ART-TV Artistic Expression
Course description:
This course exposes students to various methods of using artistic expression in educational activities. Students learn how to use this methodology to encourage the overall development of the child through the structuring of activities, the structuring of venues, and the development of a relationship with the children.
322-SDM-TV Sound and Movement
Course description:
This course gives students foundational knowledge on techniques for integrating sound and movement in their educational activities. Students learn how to use sound to promote the overall development of the child.
322-CDC-TV Cognitive Development in Children
Course description:
This course enables students to take into account the intellectual dimension of the overall development of the child’s educational activity through the structuring of activities, the structuring of venues, and interactions with the child. Students learn how to motivate the child to progress in his understanding of the world and in his thought construction.
This course belongs to the Field of activity and dimensions of development category. It uses the theoretical and practical knowledge of the context and fundamentals of educational activity as well as the concepts of child development. It complements other courses related to overall development. The course introduces some basic concepts of creativity that will be reinvested in all the courses and especially in the course Personal, professional, and creative development. The educational activity course and the vocational training represent places of integration and transfer of learning of this course to various age groups.
322-ASD-TV Affective, Social and Moral Development in Children
Course description:
This course trains students to take into account the emotional, social, and moral dimensions of the overall development of the child in their educational activities. Students learn how to act in order to support the development of each one of the aspects through 3 of the 4 fields of application of the educational program (educational intervention with children, structuring of activities, structuring of venues).
This course belongs to the Field of activity and dimensions of development category. It uses theoretical and practical knowledge of the context and fundamentals of educational activity as well as the concepts of child development. It is also based on the Communication and teamwork course. It complements the other courses related to development (Psychomotility of the child, Stimulation of language, and The Cognitive development of the child). This course deals with a range of problematic, current situations, likely to be experienced daily in child care services and the possible intervention strategies available to manage them.
In this course, students will have to use creativity in planning and conducting activities, as in other courses of the categories Field of activity and dimensions of development and Educational activity.
322-EP1-TV Educational Practice With Infants
Course description:
This course enables students to reuse all the knowledge related to the educational activity developed in the courses on the dimensions of development and areas of activity. This course is a place of integration and transfer of learning for this specific age group.
322-EP2-TV Educational Practice With Children From 18 Months to 5 Years
Course description:
This course enables students to use all knowledge related to the educational activity developed in the courses on the dimensions of development and fields of activity. This course is a place of integration and transfer of learning for this age group.
Course Description:
The objective of this course is to apply a critical thought process to world views.
Competencies to be developed are:
- To describe world views
- To explain the major ideas, values, and implications of a worldview
- To organize the ideas, values, and experiences of a worldview into coherent patterns
- To compare world views
- To convey the ideas, attitudes, and experiences of the societies or groups studied
322-ST2-TV Internship : Experimentation
Course description:
The experimentation course is the second of three fieldwork placement courses in the program. The stage gives students the opportunity to experiment with all of the aspects of educational practices. Students will take charge of a group of children during different life-discovering experiences in a childcare establishment. In doing so, they will ensure the children’s health and safety, establish a significant affective relationship with them, provide them support in day-to-day activities and promote their overall development within the perspective of the existing educational program or project in the field.
The stage will give the students the opportunity to implement the skills and knowledge they will have gained simultaneously in their other courses, as well as provide them with an environment for observation, experimentation, integration, and transfer. This course should be followed in conjunction with the course “Educational practice and Experimentation.”
322-ABD-TV Adaptation and Behaviour Difficulties in Children
Course description:
This course is part of a sequence of courses related to the emotional, social, and moral development of children and interventions. It is based on the knowledge gained in the courses: “Psychology of the child 0-6 years”, “Psychology from childhood to maturity”, “Prevention and intervention in risk situations”, “Communication and teamwork”, and “Emotional, social and moral development of the child,” which have all dealt with interventions in common situations.
This course enables students to recognize and understand the problems of behavior, adjustment, and situation and its analysis. It enables students to demystify the complexity of the intervention with the child and group of children experiencing specific difficulties. This course teaches the student to recognize the limits of his role as a teacher and to put into practice behaviors and ethical attitudes in the face of different problems.
The continuation of learning related to the intervention will take place in the courses Integration of children with special needs, Educational activity in complex situations, and the Integration Training course.
322-EP3-TV Educational Practice With Children From 5 to 12 Years
Course description:
This course enables students to adjust their educational activities in order to take into consideration the needs and expectations of children aged 5 to 12 years old. Students learn to act while respecting the needs and capacities of the children within that age group while taking into account the phases of their global development. Moreover, the student identifies the pedagogical methods to prioritize to answer adequately to the children’s needs.
This course reuses the theoretical and practical knowledge of the context and foundation of the educational activities and the notions of the child development, as well as the knowledge, acquires in the Psychology of Childhood to Maturity, Psychomotility of the Child and Childish Documentation and Dramatic Expression courses. The training courses represent places of integration and transfer of learning of this course to various age groups.
322-SER-TV Observation in an Early Childhood Setting
Course description:
This course enables students to use observation in the process of educational activity. The student learns how to use observation to better analyze the needs of the child and the group. This course is part of the sequence of courses related to observation and intervention in the context of educational activity. It proceeds with the introduction to the observation made in the course Fundamentals and practices of educational activity and reuses the concepts of basic needs and child development. It also allows the reuse of checklists specific to the different dimensions of the child and fields of activities for analyzing needs. The observation course allows reuse of the concepts seen in the course Emotional, social and moral development of the child.
Holder of professional ethics in the second year, it also allows students to adopt ethical behaviors and attitudes.
This course, directly related to Training course 2 and to the course Educational activity and experimentation, enables students to practice active observation on the ground and analyze the needs of a child and a group of children in the training course. It is also linked to the course Difficulties of adaptation and child behavior in which one can learn to use the results of the observation process in the context of intervention.
322-NUM-TV The Child and Numeracy
Course description:
322-PEA-TV Pedagogical and Educational Approaches
Course description:
This course gives students the opportunity to critically examine an educational program and update it based on the experience of the team, the frames of reference on child development, and existing pedagogical models. It is based on the courses Fundamentals of Educational Practice and Educational Practice for children of different age groups.
This course contributes to the development of the following competencies: To define the educational approach to be taken with children (019C) and To design and review the educational program (019K).
Course Description:
Elective course.
305-TVA-TV Social Science I
Course Description:
Course Description:
The objective of this course is to demonstrate one’s ability to assume responsibility for maintaining a healthy lifestyle through the continued practice of physical activity.
Competencies to be developed include:
- Planning a personal physical activity program
- Combining the elements of a regular and sufficient practice of physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle
- Manage a personal physical activity program
Course Description:
The objective of this course is to communicate in the forms of discourse appropriate to one or more fields of study, focusing on citation styles and preparing the student for university-level writing.
Competencies to be developed include:
- Identifying the forms of discourse appropriate to given fields of study
- Recognizing the discursive frameworks appropriate to given fields of study
- Analyze and succinctly explain the main ideas of an oral and written discourse
Course description:
The objective of this course is to apply a critical thought process to ethical issues relevant to the field of study.
Competencies to be developed include:
- Situating significant ethical issues within appropriate world views and fields of knowledge
- explaining the major ideas, values, and social implications of ethical issues
- organizing the ethical questions and their implications into coherent patterns
- Debating ethical issues
322-NEE-TV Integration of Children With Individual Needs
Course description:
This course is incorporated in a sequence of courses related to observation and intervention in the context of educational activities. It is based on the knowledge acquired in the courses “Communication and teamwork,” “Emotional, social and moral development of the child” and “Observation in the child care environment,” as well as the course “Difficulties of adjustment” and “Behavior of the child.”
This course enables students to better understand the reality of children with disabilities and/or significant and persistent limitations which leads to obstacles to its integration into a child care service. The student will be encouraged to reinvest his skills by experimenting with the process of educational activity so as to promote the integration of children with special needs in a child care environment. This course also enables students to become more aware of the reality of the parent whose child copes with a specific problem and involves them in the integration process.
This course allows students to practice designing an integration plan of a child with a special need in a child care service.
The course Educational activity in complex situations, Collaboration with parents and resource persons, and Training Course 3 represent places of integration and transfer of learning from this course to different age groups and in different contexts of care.
322-PCD-TV Personal, Professional and Creative Development
Course description:
This course is offered at the end of the training. It allows the student to rely on his personal and professional identity to consolidate his self-esteem, anchor his sense of competence, maintain his professional vitality, use his creativity in solving problems and deal with situations having an ethical dilemma. Relying on knowledge and his personal and professional experiences, the student will have to mobilize all the dimensions of his person in his educational activity and address this with openness, curiosity, and originality. It will also be an opportunity for him to reassess his personal and professional attitudes in connection with the requirements of the profession.
This course is in relation to the course Emotional, social and moral development of children and the Communication and teamwork course.
The last part of the course on professional ethics is linked with the philosophy course of Ethical reflection area of the caregiving relationship.
The course Educational activity in complex situations, Collaboration with parents and resource persons and Comprehensive seminar as well as Integration Course represent places of integration and transfer of learning.
322-MNG-TV Daycare Management and Organization
Course description:
This 3rd-year course is part of the “functioning of a child care service” competency group. It allows senior students of the program to integrate the concepts of business management services both in terms of the organizational structure as in the mechanism of the coordination of financial, material, human resources, and organizational communication.
Students will learn to better grasp and evaluate their role as active participants and act on the functioning and development of the child care service of which he is or will be a part especially in terms of issues related to human resources management. Finally, in order to ensure a greater quality of services for early childhood, the student throughout this course will discover, through his active participation in workshops and other exercises, the complexity of the organization of a child care service and the importance of his personal involvement at various levels in the workplace (committees, CA, team, etc.)
387-FSM-TV Family and Social Milieu
Course description:
This course gives the students the opportunity to implement the competency to analyze a child’s family and social life and determine the effects on their behavior.
322-EP4-TV Educational Practice in Complex Situations
Course description:
This course allows senior students to creatively use all of the theoretical and practical knowledge that they have acquired in order to deal with problems in complex situations that they will likely encounter in the field of child care.
The course allows students to develop possible paths of solutions so as to implement appropriate educational activities.
Course description:
Course description:
This course, on the fundamentals of 3D printing, takes a multidisciplinary approach to problem-solving by combing:
- Math
- Design
- Physics
- Computer science
- Engineering
- Biology
In today’s world, every field and every industry needs innovative thinkers that can make a difference. Inquiry-based learning is a 21st-century teaching and learning philosophy that requires students to not only be “problem solvers”, but “problem finders” as well. Instead of simply presenting established facts, teachers guide students to discover their worlds and how they could make them better. This is accomplished by posing questions, challenging the norm, and pushing the boundaries. Innovation is a keyword at the core of this philosophy.
No other technology, since the invention of the computer has the potential to positively impact education and learning as the 3D printer. 3D printers are now being used in practically every field. Learning how to use them is becoming as essential a skill as reading and writing.
From the medical field, automotive and aerospace industry, fashion, food, and architecture, 3D printers are becoming a regular on- the scene. Putting the world of 3D printing in the hands of students will help better prepare them to shape their world and be innovative in their field of choice.
This course, on the fundamentals of CAD design for rapid prototyping and 3D printing, provides all of the foundational knowledge necessary to bring the world of 3D printing to the students and start their journey to innovation in whichever field they choose to pursue.
305-TVA-TV Social Science I
Course Description:
322-ST3-TV Internship : Integration
Course description:
The Integration internship course is the last of the fieldwork placement courses. Students have the opportunity to implement their educational practice in its entirety. They will take charge of a group in order to provide quality educational services in accordance with the existing program or the educational project in the establishment and in cooperation with co-workers, parents, and resources if required. In addition, the students will undertake a synthesis activity of participation in the management of the environment.
The final stage represents an ideal setting of integration, synthesis, and transfer of all the knowledge and skills gained during the training program. The course Synthesis Seminar particularly complements the stage.
322-SYN-TV Synthesis Seminar
Course description:
The comprehensive seminar represents the key moment between the end of college studies and entering the workforce. It is primarily the consolidation of the professional identity of the senior university student and taking a step of improvement through integration activities of learning. Thus if a student is able to use what he has learned to respond appropriately in new situations, it shows that he has integrated his learning and that he is capable, thereby, to transfer it.
While being aware of social issues related to the profession of a teacher to children, the student will be motivated, within this course, to take stock of the knowledge he has acquired throughout his training and reinvest the learning he has achieved to face creatively, appropriately, and ethically all complex professional situations which he will encounter in the course of his new profession and this, by mobilizing the necessary resources.
The pedagogical challenge of this course is to motivate the student to be more aware of what he knows and how he applies it in a real context. Therefore throughout the course, the student will be motivated to place himself, that is face himself, his training, his training environment, and the educational project he has carried out in the Pedagogical Approaches and educational program course.
322-CPR-TV Collaboration With Parents and Resources
Course description:
This course is offered at the last session together with the courses Educational activity in complex situations, Comprehensive Seminar and with the Integration training course. Several links will be made between these courses and the training course so that students can experience some concepts in the class. This course seeks competencies developed in the course Analysis of the context of family and social life, Communication and teamwork, Difficulties of adjustment and behavior of the child, Integration of children with special needs, and Observation in a child care environment.
Because the educator-parents relationship has a direct influence on the harmonious development of children in child care, this course enables the student to learn communication strategies and support for parenting skills that he can experiment in the final stage with the parents of the group of children. In addition, the course encourages students to make connections with the fifth principle of the educational program of child care services, namely: Collaboration between educational staff or those responsible for child care services and parents is essential to the harmonious development of the child.
This course is the ideal place for further education of the frames of reference related to intercultural relations in the child care services started in the course Analysis of the context of family and social life given in the fifth session. Twenty hours should be devoted to it.
In this course, students will reuse all knowledge of the study program relating to the various situations of collaboration with parents and resource persons. This course is based particularly on the knowledge related to the role and responsibilities of an educator, code of ethics, communication skills, teamwork and observation, study program of child care services, family as well as child development and special needs.
322-EP5-TV Educational Practice and Experimentation
Course description:
This course gives students the opportunity to develop a frame of reference, guiding their choice of means and strategies to implement, while working with a child in an individual or group situation. The course enables students to apply the principles of the educational program of CPEs as well as that of the educational project of school environments. Throughout the course, students experiment with various types of activities and relate them to the courses entitled: “Fundamentals of Educational Practice” and “Pedagogical Approaches and Educational Programs.”
This course is given in tandem with Stage II: Experimentation, and as such, it provides students with the necessary tools to plan their educational practices. With the fieldwork placement, the course will also give students the opportunity to implement the skills and knowledge that they will have gained in other courses.