Put your leaderships skills to the test in this virtual “immersive operational situation” offered by SPOT Canada in collaboration with the Canadian Armed Forces.
- This “micro-stage” is only available in the French language.
- Intended audience: Pre-university students.
- Revisit the SPOT Canada website often for more micro-stages like this.
Develop your leadership skills by bringing your recommendations and solutions as an officer in an immersive operational situation.
Start date: February 25, 2021
Departure time: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Duration: 2 hours
Cost: Free
Number of places: Limited
Language (s): French
Following a UN Security Council resolution, the Canadian Armed Forces have been deployed to the Licornery to restore peace to this anarchy-ridden country where various local militias are terrorizing the population. Following information indicating a movement of one of these militias towards the village of Rimouk with a hostile design, the Tactical Group of the 1st Canadian Mobile Infantry Battalion (GT 1 / IMC) dispatched urgently, a workforce of about 150 soldiers to protect this community of 800 inhabitants. The team is made up of all elements of combat arms supported by logistics, maintenance and telecommunications detachments. Their mission is to establish a forward operating base that will contribute to the overall security of the region.
You will be presented with a series of problems and you will have to vote among the possible solutions using a voting interface. The scenario is likely to take a new turn depending on the choice you make and assess, in real time, the impact of these decisions depending on the problem presented.
Registration criteria:
This micro-internship is a hands-on introduction that replicates the flow of a real Canadian Army operation. It is intended for students who have no or very little knowledge about it and who wish to familiarize themselves with the professions offered there.
- Be a high school graduate or college student enrolled in a Canadian educational institution
Micro-internship given by:
Sergeant Patrick Boulanger; Officer of Attraction, Canadian Forces Recruiting Center Quebec, Detachment Montreal, Canadian Armed Forces
Requirements to pass the micro-internship:
- Be present for the entire duration of the micro-internship;
- Once you have completed the online portion, complete a short hands-on assignment on the shared experience;
- Estimated time to complete the practical work: 5 minutes
- Deadline to hand in work: February 26, 11:59 p.m.
- Must be written in French
- The connection link as well as the PIN code to access the voting interface (Kahoot) will be sent to you by email before the start of the micro-course
- Obtain a certificate of achievement
- Explore new career prospects in the Canadian Armed Forces
- Improve your CV and LinkedIn profile
- Meet a passionate expert in his field
Note: The online portion will be recorded for internal purposes only, with the goal of continuous improvement.
* This activity is made possible by obtaining federal funds from Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada and through BHER.
*Note that the above text was copied verbatim from https://placementspot.ca/micro-stages/leadership-en-milieu-hostile and translated to English.
INTERESTED? Sign-up here: https://placementspot.ca/micro-stages/leadership-en-milieu-hostile