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Take advantage of student prices for Montreal public transportation directly through your Omnivox account!

” New measures are now in place to allow you to get your student OPUS card allowing you to obtain 40% off your regular monthly rate. “

Eligible TAV students now have the option of accessing a reduced-fare OPUS card directly through the Omnivox portal.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Must be a full-time student
  • Must have student file with associated photo
  • Must have a Quebec mailing address
  • Must have a Visa or Mastercard credit card with a Quebec billing address


> Log in to Omnivox

> My Omnivox Services

> Reduced Fare OPUS card

> Follow the prompts

*If it is not working, first ensure that you meet all of the criteria mentioned above. If you do meet the criteria but the system is telling you that there is an error, please contact the STM customer service.

For full information and details, visit:

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