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Policies and Regulations


Policies and regulations are documents that clearly define and indicate the general-to-specific rules and procedures within an organization’s operational structure. For more information regarding our policies and regulations, or for the French versions, please contact Associate Director of Studies: Evaluations and Quality Assurance System, Mrs. Marie-Lou Larouche .


Policy no. 6
Internship Policy
Policy no. 9*
Research integrity policy
Policy no. 10*
Research Ethics Policy
Policy no. 12

Policies no. 9, 10, 11, 21 and 22 define the framework for research at TAV College. All research activities conducted at TAV are done so with integrity and meet the standards of the following policies:

Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) Policy for the Responsible Conduct of Research
The responsible conduct of research, which includes the respect for standards and rules of research integrity and research ethics, refers to the conduct expected of the various actors carrying out research activities or activities in support of research. This conduct is based on values recognized by the international community, such as honesty, reliability, rigour, accountability and transparency. The English version of the 2014 FRQ Responsible Conduct of Research Policy is available, but the updated policy is only available in French (November 2022).

Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research
This RCR Framework sets out the responsibilities and corresponding policies for researchers, Institutions, and the Agencies, that together help support and promote a positive research environment. It specifies the responsibilities of researchers with respect to research integrity, applying for funding, financial management, and requirements for conducting certain types of research, and defines what constitutes a breach of Agency policies. For Institutions, it details the minimum requirements for institutional policies for addressing allegations of all types of policy breaches, and Institutions’ responsibilities for promoting responsible conduct of research and reporting to the Agencies.

Please note that the following policies and regulations are confidential and not available for public viewing:

Policy # 4, 5, 15 and Regulation # 2

Regulations and institutional documentation

Educational Project

Updated: July 5, 2023

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